Rafnar 1100 Verkocht







11,15 m x 3,30 m x 0,85 m




3x Mercury 350hp Verado


Lelystad (NL)

Meer over de Rafnar 1100

The Rafnar 1100 is the ideal workboat for many circumstances. Regardless of the weather conditions, this boat will take you there. People transportation, exploring, adventure, taxi and recreation. Suited for difficult conditions, and for performing observer or chase-boat duties at regatta events. With three powerful outboard engines driving this exceptionally stable craft at speeds of 50 knots, the Rafnar 1100 is a ‘get there fast - in safety and comfort’ vessel, even in uncomfortable and changing sea conditions. The interior is fitted with 6 jockey seats, the cokcpit with a wide bench with storage and cushions. The cabin can be closed with a watertight door.  

Special ÖK hull and keel construction: With dramatic decrease in slamming impact up to 95% it directly affects wellbeing and safety on board. Minimized risk of injury or seasickness, and the ability to return operation-ready and safe to shore in severe weather conditions, are the primary reasons why professionals and leisure owners choose Rafnar, and what truly sets Rafnar apart from the competition. See the video we have linked below for a short impression.

Now directly available this specific demonstration boat, come over to Lelystad ( Netherlands) for a seatrial of this magnifocent triple Mercury Verado 350's equipped vessel. Trade-in of your boat can be discussed. A completely new Rafnar to your exact specifications can also be delivered accoring your wishes. Do you have more questions or want to visit this Rafnar 1100? Please contact White Whale Yachtbrokers via [email protected] or call +31 (0) 646 086 467.

Are you considering selling your own boat first? White Whale Yachtbrokers operates from 11 offices throughout Europe. Wherever your boat is located, we are happy to help. We advertise your boat on all relevant websites in Europe and even www.Yachtworld.com for a worldwide reach. We charge a low commission, no start-up costs and always no-cure-no-pay. Ask us for a free proposal for your boat. In some cases we can also buy your yacht directly.


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White Whale Willemstad